LUCKYYOU Agencja Marketingowa


Refreshing visual communication for agency’s 10th birthday

What is LUCKYYOU? How should we talk about ourselves? And what do we want to talk about? We asked ourselves these three questions before we started working on the refreshed communication (linguistic and visual) od the company.

We started the rebranding with internal research and workshops. Their results became the basis for work on a new, refreshed image of our brand – one that shows who we really are. 





Scope of work

Creative concept including new visual communication and narrative of the agency, creation of a new website, gadgets, visual formats for social media, preparation of internal and external communication.


Project Manager:

Karolina Kulig

Art Director:

Sara Wojciechowska


Natalia Majchrzak, Maciej Karolczak

Graphic Designer:

Sara Wojciechowska, Paweł Czamański

Motion Design:

Adam Furmańczak, Krzysztof Magnuszewski


Paweł Czamański

LUCKYYOU Agencja Marketingowa

Big idea

The conclusions from the research are described in our manifesto – LUCKYYOU are two parallel paths that we follow with each project: LUCKY strategy&services and LUCKY creativity&approach.

So far, we have focused primarily on the first aspect, which is why rebranding assumed not only refreshing the existing communication, but above all – adding a creative element to the existing story about the company and showing the whole picture of LUCKYYOU.

LUCKYYOU Agencja Marketingowa

Lucky language

We started working on the text with a slogan. We didn’t want its complete change, but only its evolution – that’s why the existing “Marketing done right” was supplemented with “Creativity gone wild”. Thanks to this, we communicate the two most important things that describe who we are and how we work.

The next stage involved refining our communication language and the agency’s tone of voice. We wanted to emphasize our professionalism, but without a pomp. Show our creativity, but without exaggerated madness. We focused on a simple, slightly challenging language that will allow us to maintain balance.



We focused on evolution, not revolution. We stayed with the characteristic shape of the sevens – new typography and a lighter, more modern form.

LUCKYYOU Agencja Marketingowa


In the new branding, we focused on 3 main colours: subdued graphite, neutral gray and energetic lime – the latter is a worthy successor to the green used so far.

LUCKYYOU Agencja Marketingowa


Creative, unlimited fun with typography? We’re in! We have introduced a completely new font, which we use in many variations, combining them on the principle of contrast.

LUCKYYOU Agencja Marketingowa


We have introduced icons to the new branding that represent the main values and areas of LUCKYYOU. We don’t take them literally – they are supposed to reflect the identity of LUCKYYOU, be part of our visual Lucky Language, and sometimes – replace selected letters in words.

LUCKYYOU Agencja Marketingowa
LUCKYYOU Agencja Marketingowa
LUCKYYOU Agencja Marketingowa
LUCKYYOU Agencja Marketingowa
LUCKYYOU Agencja Marketingowa
LUCKYYOU Agencja Marketingowa


An impressive change in visual identification requires an impressive website. The new version of our virtual showcase is based on a strong play with icons, colours and photos from the office and our non-office activities. We put a lot of emphasis on conveying our unique agency atmosphere and presenting the cases we are so proud of!

LUCKYYOU Agencja Marketingowa



LUCKYYOU Agencja Marketingowa


OK, we’re done talking. Tell us what you’re working on, when, and for how much, and we’ll help you get there in style. We’re all ears!

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